Mind Material

I’m always reading the latest research on positive psychology, neuroscience, and neurodiversity, and I love sharing these resources with my community, via my newsletter and blog.

Adela Baker Adela Baker

Resetting Yearly Goals: Navigating Q2 as a Turbo Thinker©

As we near the end of Q2, it's time to revisit those goals we set back on January 1st when we were full of excitement and optimism, armed with a fresh planner and a world of possibilities. We flip through those early pages, reading over our aspirations. But then comes the inevitable question: Have we ticked off everything on our list? As a high-achieving Turbo Thinker with sky-high expectations, it's rare that everything is neatly crossed off. So, how do you find that balance of feeling motivated and empowered as you review your goals at this time of year?

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